Saturday, November 26, 2005

Osteochondral allografts or autografts

Another way to patch up cartilage is to take a plug- usually of both bone and cartilage- from either a tissue bank (cadaver) source or from another area in the knee.
There are problems with both of these donors, however. The tissue bank solution is appealing- until you read about disease transmission, including death, from tissue banks. The most celebrated incident occurred in St Cloud Minn a few years ago, and it could happen again. Only this year (2005) did the government start monitoring these tissue banks- and that effort is not problem free.
The other source of these plugs could be your own knee- using an area on the periphery. But for very large defects it is hard to rob Peter to pay Paul.

New Efforts to restore cartilage

Check out to look at a new startup in the field.