Friday, September 22, 2006

Cartilage Regeneration

Cartilage Regeneration
More News on Microfracture
New information keeps coming out on this popular technique, the latest showing perhaps an 80% chance of
success- depending upon how you define success, of course. The science has not yet caught up to the clinic. When you ask a patient how they feel, that is one thing- when you actually have evidecne of cartilage regeneration, that is quite another. These two things do not necessarily correlate. And another area of concern is that presently most work is done on patients who are already in pain. The optimal time to repair cartilage may be way before this occurs.

Monday, September 04, 2006

Stem Cells in the news

The news on stem cells just keeps on coming, and will continue to do so. Last week,
the notion from a private lab in Mass. that is is possible to take out just one cell from an embryo at a very early stage and develop a cell line without destroying the rest of the embryo. I think they soft pedalled the fact that in this particular context, the entire embryo was a discard anyway- which is the case quite often given the extra embryos produced by in vitro fertilization.
The FDA recently gave in on the "morning after" pill, so perhaps there is hope for the future even with this administration (I doubt it). But the news will continue...